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ERASMUS+ Women coaching course
ERASMUS + projekti raames ning koostöös Soome Lauatenniseliiduga korraldame 2.12-4.12.2022 lauatennise laagri, töötoad ja loengud nii Eesti kui ka Soome naislauatennisistidele ja treeneritele Olenemata sellest,et põhifookus on naiste lauatennisel, ootame osalema ka meestreenereid.
Rohkem infot ning ajakava
Pildid üritusest asuvad Eesti Lauatenniseliidu facebooki albumis.
Osalejatele on koolitustel, töötubades ja treeningutel osalemine tasuta.
Osalenud treeneritele väljastatakse ka vastav tunnistus.
PS! Töötoad ja loengud toimuvad inglise keeles
Kokkuvõte projektist
Summary of the project
Table tennis – women vs men, or still together?
During last weekend together with Finnish Table Tennis Association we attempted to find answer to the question why women are severely underrepresented both among competitive and hobby players.
Numbers don’t lie – there are 111 female players and 531 male players in the ranking system of Estonian Table Tennis Association (ETTA). Similar ratio (1:5) is also true for hobby players, who have no ranking.
In the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme, we organized an event Women Coaching Course (Dec 2 nd – Dec 4 th , 2022, Tallinn) with participants from Estonia and Finland. The aim was to provide various activities and food for thought both to coaches and players.
There are 42 certified table tennis coaches in Estonia, from whom 20 (48%) are women. Ten of them,
meaning half of all female coaches, participated in this event!
We began with the lecture covering the general aspects of womens’ table tennis. We analyzed differences in the game played by male and female players. There were three practical training sessions, demonstrating sample training processes focusing to different training periods: the basal phase, the development phase, and the preparation for competition. In addition, serve and other technical elements were discussed and a multi-ball training session was held.
On the final day of the event, Finnish womens’ national team coach gave a short talk about the situation in Finland, followed by a lecture on gender equality in sports and table tennis in particular. This raised enthusiastic discussions among participants. An inquiry about the training process with boys and girls was also conducted.
In summary, this ERASMUS+ project event in Estonia was very successful in terms of learning and
practice, and we hope to work together more in future.
Webinar + Seminar - AN ATHLETE IN NEED! WHAT NOW?
Estonian Table Tennis Association with Finnish Table Tennis Association had seminar-webinar on that matter in terms of gender equality.
The European Institute for Gender Equality has stated that gender-based violence, including sexual violence and harassment, is one of the most extreme manifestations of inequality and discrimination, which contradicts the principle of gender equality. Despite commitments to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, harassment remains one common method of discrimination and violence, which unproportionally targets women and isn’t treated with the severity it demands. One reason for this is the lack of awareness – people don’t know what harassment is, how to recognize it and how to react to it. This seminar-webinar will give the participants the necessary knowledge to identify different forms of harassment, support the victims and improve their organizations to prevent harassment cases. Preventing and reducing harassment and abuse is critical to empowering girls and women to enable them to reach their full potential, whether as athletes or trainers, and for us as a society to reach true gender equality.
On this seminar-webinar we were looking for answers to questions:
• Annoying behavior or harassment?
• How to recognize abuse In our daily lives and the sports world, we can encounter situations where one person’s behavior makes another feel bad about themselves.
• How can we tell if the person’s behavior is simply friendly teasing or harassment?
• What kinds of harassment exist?
• What to do if you witness or experience harassment? In this session we will take a closer look at these issues
and figure out what we can do to reduce the risk of harassment in sports circles and contribute to stopping abuse.
Lecturers Marlen Laanep Advocacy Specialist of Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation and Kadi Saar
Preventive Services Team Child Welfare Department Estonian Social Insurance Board.
The webinar featured experts in sports psychology and athlete advocacy who shared practical strategies for reducing the risk of harassment in sports. Participants learned about warning signs, prevention techniques, and the importance of athlete well-being and safety.
One of the key highlights of the event was creating a safe space for athletes to share their experiences, ask questions, and seek support. This supportive environment empowered athletes to take action against harassment and create positive change in their sports communities.
The collaborative effort between the organizations demonstrated a commitment to promoting respect, equality, and accountability in sports. The webinar emphasized the need for clear policies and protocols to prevent and address harassment, and the role of bystander intervention in stopping abuse.
In conclusion, the webinar “An Athlete in Need – What Now?” was a significant event that addressed the issue of harassment in sports, providing practical guidance and fostering a supportive environment. Through continued education and action, it is hoped that the sports community can contribute to reducing the risk of harassment and creating a safe environment for all athletes.